The last account you will need
One account, anywhere, and login anywhere else
Fenrir is a federated system, like email but for authentication.
You won’t need to have many different accounts, or only with huge companies that don’t care about the small users.
You can also run your own Fenrir server!
Manage your devices
Link and control your computer, laptop or phone
- Deactivate/reactivate lost devices
- List of past accesses for every device
- Limit device and single application application capabilities
- Multi factor authentication made easy

Simplify development
- Easier data transport, with new transport modes previously considered too complicated
- Application and services don’t have to handle user keys or passwords
- Integrated STUN/TURN for client-to-client communication
- Simplified stack: just Fenrir vs TLS+OAuth+DTLS+Multicast+…
- Multihoming and much, much more…
Security focused
- Formally verified authentication
- Hardened against worst-cases like server hacking
- Written in Rust