Help us help you help us all
Feel free to look at our gitea repository to check the status of the various projects, and contribute if you want!
You can also find us in Matrix at
We are waiting for funds in a couple of months.
If you have or know of funding opportunities that might interest us, please write us!
We are currently looking for people in UTC+{0,1,2} timezones. Preferably in Italy but not required. 35h/week, all 30-50K RAL + equity:
- 2x Rust developers. We only require knowledge of rust. Security-focused people, or with knowledge of Linux networking will be prioritized. Starting from June 2023.
- 1x Marketing. Contacting new clients, helping in managing the company image. Experience with design is not required but appreciated. Starting no earlier than Oct. 2023.
- 1x Devops. Nix{Os,Ops} experience required, will manage production and development infrastructure. Starting ~Jan 2024.